Tuesday, June 30, 2009



So here I am, in the shop, in my jammies (yeah, again....) trying to figure out all this new computer bullshit (sorry!), linking to this, banner here, edit that, get hits on this site to boost my ratings on that site and I am a Total Loser!!!!!! Can someone help me? LMAO Seriously, this is insanity at it's best. I read the words, I follow the instructions and NOTHING WORKS like it's suppose to. I even see all the "right stuff" in the preview pages, I SAVE it, it shows up like it should but when I go to the real page, it's not there. Grrr! I'm about ready to Nut Right Up!

Sorry for the rant, I just hate being stupid and frustrated.

Honest to pete, I used to be the one everyone came to, to fix their computer problems. Now? Ha! Stay away from me, I'm dark and twisty and just plain jinxed I do believe.

On the bright side, at least my latest test in the kiln looks like it may have worked. Not gonna tell you what it is just yet....hopefully you'll see a pic of the finished piece in the next few weeks. This is going to require a lot of hours working it but it should (I hope!) be worth it in the end.

In the mean time, I need to get to work on the Vegas collages done in glass. I think I finally have worked out the design in my noggin so now I can start cutting glass. Good times! lol

Monday, June 29, 2009

Good Monday Morning!

LOL I'm in the shop, still in my jammies (I LOVE Working from HOME! tee-hee!), but I've managed to get alot done in the last 4 hours. Mostly working on updating my photobucket...

Yuck, a job I love to ignore but alas...it must be done! Got alot of pics up of some custom pieces I made in the last month, feels good to have that job behind me for a bit.

Here's some I did for Cindy Ripley...she wanted a bluejay in each frame along w/a flowering crab. Well, it looks like the pics have loaded above my blogging...but you're smart, you'll figure it out. I on the other hand....probably not! LOL I'm such a twit sometimes.
There's so much to do today, gotta run get some glass for a repair job. I sure hope I don't have to drive all the way to FDL....matching glass is not always easy when you don't know the manufacturor (sp?) (twit attack again) of the original glass. It will be fun though, digging thru glass usually is! :)
I had wanted to hit the torch today, it's gonna be a cool and breezy day. Perfect for sitting behind a 1500 degree torch, right next to a hot kiln. But....tomorrow's suppose to be cool too so I'll wait. The shop is a total disaster! I need to finish cleaning up before I can treat myself to a torch day. I did manage to get the van unloaded from Saturday's show (a rainy success but didn't get pics dang it all), got my new table set up for display in the shop (pics later, gotta vacuum!) and cleaned alot of glass. I'm so picked over though...I really need to spend some time working on pieces for My shop instead of the other shops and custom orders...too bad those take first priority. Sigh...but what's a glass addict to do? :)
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Enjoy whatever you're working on or with, wherever that may be!! Take good care of your loved ones, but remember....you can't take care of anyone until you take care of yourself. Be well my friends! :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Diva Nite Success!

Here's a frame of handmade, lampwork jewelry....sold several! :)
Here's the main table, just a good cross section of the things I make. Sold lots of pendants and earrings in the tiered basket and 3 of my new "Diva" ladies!! Sweet!

The hanging display, the wine bottle lanterns were a huge hit. Could it be cuz of all the wine that we drank? naaaaa..... ;) LOL

The magnets had everyone cracking up!

Need a fast gift? How about a "$10.00 Quickie"?

The Big Tent, were all the fun was had!

Wow, what a nite! Shows are always alot of work but this one was the best. Torrential down-pour as I was walking out the door, good thing the van was already loaded or I may have thought twice!! Thankfully, it stopped raining just as we pulled into Oberstadts Landscape Center where the first annual Diva Nite was being held. Lots of great wine and desserts, fantastic people. They gave away a $500 shopping spree (but I didn't win) and loads of prizes! I can't wait for next year!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It's not even 7am yet and I'm in the shop, waiting for the day to unfold before me. There's work to do in the shop, a bit in the house, the gardens are done for the most part. The kids come home today from a few days away. It hasn't been long enough for my liking but it's been quiet so I'm looking forward to the company.

I can't help but wonder what my mom would have done, had she had to live my current life. She had a way of making everything work. Somehow I seem to lack that ability. Sure wish I could have had more time with her so perhaps I would have been more prepared for what life has dished out but alas, that was not the case. Now it's up to me, to make this all work, to figure it out as I go along but I'd sure like to be more prepared.

Maybe there is no way to be prepared for what life brings us. So we do the best we can as it comes along.